Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Shepherd's Pie. My Husband's favorite dinner


5 Large potatoes
2 pounds hamburger
1 can of corn
8 oz. sliced sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of salted butter (1 stick, for mashed potato layer)
2/3 cup of flour
2-3  cups water
2 1/2 tbps Season All
1 tbsp. approx granulated Beef Boullion

1 tsp. Onion Powder
1 tsp. Salt
pepper to taste
approx 3/4 cup milk (for mashed potato layer)

I am going to include pictures to illustrate each step:

Peel potatos, rinse and chop. Try to keep the pieces similiar in size. Above shows 1 potato peeled and chopped. Place in pot large enough to fit with extra room. Cover in water and bring to a boil, reduce to simmer. Check after 10 minutes or so. Should be able to insert fork and have it crumble.

While the potatos are boiling, place 2 pounds of hamburger into a big enough skillet. Brown thoroughly. DO NOT DRAIN. The grease is important to make the hamburger gravy.

Once browned add 2/3 cups of flour. Mix all together until it is thick, using medium heat on the stove. Let simmer for 2 minutes

Add 1 cup of water and incorporate. Should still be thick. Add another cup of water and incorporate. In total I use the full 3 cups of water, I like it to be a good gravy consistency. See pic below for reference...

Ok, Now it is time to add all seasonings!

Add:: 2 1/2 tbps. Season All, 1 tbsp, granulated beef boullion, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp onion powder, and pepper to your preference, we use quite a bit as my husband loves pepper. If you like things a little blander, try adding half of each ingredient and go from there.

Stir it all up and place into an UNGREASED 9x13 inch glass container.I use a spatula to spread out.   see below

By now your potatos should be done. Drain and place back in pan and mash with potato masher. Add 1 stick of butter and 3/4 cup milk, a little at a time using just enough so they are smooth. DO NOT USE A MIXER ON MASHED POTATOES. It breaks down the glutin in the potatos and makes it glue like. not yummy. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Next open and drain your can of corn. Spread out on top of your hamburger gravy using spatula to get even.

Next spread out the potatos with spatula.

Cover with slices of sharp cheese

Turn on your oven's broiler to High setting. VERY IMPORTANT.... when you broil it will go very quickly. after only 1 minute check it. Continue to check every minute. You want all of the cheese melted and a little browned on top. This is mine after 4 minutes....

Pull out of oven and let cool down for 5 minutes. Using a spatula serve it up! Enjoy with a side salad, rolls etc! Very filling. Bon Appetite!

Other ideas! This hamburger gravy recipe is my lovely mother's and we have been enjoying it ever since I can remember! We like it on top of mashed potatos, and I like it on top of white rice as well. It is nice and easy on the stomach and very filling!

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