Monday, June 18, 2012

Kiss The Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton, and Anita Blake series review and opinion

As many know I am an avid Laurell K. Hamilton fan. I have read all of the books in both the Anita Blake series and the Meredith Gentry series. I have read each book so many times that I have had to replace each book at least twice due to that much wear and tear. My most recent acquire is the brand new released and top selling book by Laurell K. Hamilton, Kiss the Dead. I got it a few days ago and am almost done with my second read through. I like to really read books before I give my opinion on said book. I have to say while it isn't my favorite book, it definitely was worth the wait for it to come out. I have really followed the flow of each character. My favorite progression is Anita of course. She goes from this no nonsense, in control, still learning her power heroine to a heroine that is entertaining, finds what and who she is and no matter what is thrown at her, she bounces back much stronger in body and mind. People blog and complain about the little mistakes found in the Anita Blake series, however you will not find that on this blog. I actual like how it is written like you are listening to your friend talk. I love knowing that Laurell takes the time to research and fact find for knowledge sake and imparts it to her readers. She has set up an alternative world that she has made complete and whole. I never will understand how this series has not been made into a series, or movies. Yes. much of it is XXX rated. however with the right people producing it, and with the correct age appropriate audience, it would blow all vampire based shoes currently on TV out of the water and leave people begging for more. It would become a series that you talk to your friends at work the next day.

There are two types of Laurell K. Hamilton. The die hard fans that have stuck with it since the beginning and still loves every book. The other were so in love with the first few books then as they progressed to more what some say more like "erotica" then they still read but stated that they didn't and just critiqued it. I am not the latter. I have enjoyed all novels on their own. I appreciate when she switches direction here and there with a novel of Edward, Bernardo and Olaf.  It keeps it entertaining and different. I like the the new racy scenes with Anita and her men. It all ties back to the progression of Anita Blake and her rise to who she becomes. Laurell K. Hamilton if you can't tell is who I admire as a writer. Her voice and her point of view is solid and doesn't waiver.

Whether your a die hard fan or only a fan of some of her novels... we all agree that the idea behind the Anita Blake series was incredibly creative and well thought out and planned.


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